Creates and returns a new hash map and collects all key - value pair objects from the given iterator from_iter into it.
from_iter - || -> ( #next { value = any, key = any, ... } | #end any )
<ref *6> { grow = |<circular *1>, int| -> <circular *1>, set = |<circular *1>, any, any| -> <circular *1>, iter_values = |<ref *1> { iter = |<circular *2>| -> || -> ( #next { value = any, ... } | #end any ), ... }| -> || -> ( #next any | #end unit | ... ), buckets = [<ref *2> ( #some { next = <circular *3>, key_hash = int, value = any, key = any } | #none unit )], iter = |<circular *3>| -> || -> ( #next { value = any, key = any } | #end unit ), remove = |{ size = int, buckets = [<ref *3> ( #some { next = <circular *4>, key_hash = int, value = any, ... } | ... )], hasher = |any| -> int, ... }, any| -> ( #some any | #none unit | ... ), load_factor = float, at = |{ buckets = [<ref *4> ( #some { next = <circular *5>, key_hash = int, value = any, ... } | ... )], hasher = |any| -> int, ... }, any| -> ( #some any | #none unit | ... ), size = int, clone = |<ref *5> { iter = |<circular *6>| -> || -> ( #next { value = any, key = any, ... } | #end any ), ... }| -> <circular *6>, has = |<ref *6> { at = |<circular *7>, any| -> ( #some any | #none any ), ... }, any| -> bool, hasher = |any| -> int, iter_keys = |<ref *7> { iter = |<circular *8>| -> || -> ( #next { key = any, ... } | #end any ), ... }| -> || -> ( #next any | #end unit | ... ) }
Creates and returns a new hash map with an intitial capacity of 16.
<ref *6> { grow = |<circular *1>, int| -> <circular *1>, set = |<circular *1>, any, any| -> <circular *1>, iter_values = |<ref *1> { iter = |<circular *2>| -> || -> ( #next { value = any, ... } | #end any ), ... }| -> || -> ( #next any | #end unit | ... ), buckets = [<ref *2> ( #some { next = <circular *3>, key_hash = int, value = any, key = any } | #none unit )], iter = |<circular *3>| -> || -> ( #next { value = any, key = any } | #end unit ), remove = |{ size = int, buckets = [<ref *3> ( #some { next = <circular *4>, key_hash = int, value = any, ... } | ... )], hasher = |any| -> int, ... }, any| -> ( #some any | #none unit | ... ), load_factor = float, at = |{ buckets = [<ref *4> ( #some { next = <circular *5>, key_hash = int, value = any, ... } | ... )], hasher = |any| -> int, ... }, any| -> ( #some any | #none unit | ... ), size = int, clone = |<ref *5> { iter = |<circular *6>| -> || -> ( #next { value = any, key = any, ... } | #end any ), ... }| -> <circular *6>, has = |<ref *6> { at = |<circular *7>, any| -> ( #some any | #none any ), ... }, any| -> bool, hasher = |any| -> int, iter_keys = |<ref *7> { iter = |<circular *8>| -> || -> ( #next { key = any, ... } | #end any ), ... }| -> || -> ( #next any | #end unit | ... ) }